Burns' Suppers
Many will claim Robert Burns as their own and in all honesty he was a man for everyone but, like the Open Championship, Ayrshire can uniquely claim to be the birthplace of the great man!
Born in Alloway on the 25 January 1759 the date has become important the world over when Scots, ex pats and those with just a wee inkling to wishing to be more Scots may raise a toast to the Bard at Burns' Suppers across the globe.
Ayrshire has it's fair share of Suppers of its own and celebrating in the area of his birth is special for the "Burnsians" and in recent years a creative festival has been growing and wrapping itself around Alloway and the rest of Ayrshire. Click on the links below to get an idea of how you can celebrate the bard in the county of his birth.
However for those who can't travel or have thought about how best to celebrate this Scottish legend here's a wonderful guide produced by VisitScotland for budding supper hosts everywhere!